Algebra is a branch of mathematics that involves using unknown values to solve equations. Some people think it is only useful to those pursuing a career in science or math, but it can actually solve everyday problems too. People use algebra for many daily tasks, such as calculating distances or times and planning expenditures for groceries, meals, gas, or other things. Those who need to balance a budget will benefit greatly from understanding basic algebra.

Basic Algebra
  • What Is Algebra?: A page of basic information about algebra and its history.
  • Introduction to Algebra: An overview of basic algebra, including examples of equations and solutions.
  • Algebra Lessons: Lessons that can help students gain a better understanding of basic algebra.
  • Virtual Math Lab: Beginning Algebra : A list of tutorials that provide detailed explanations of topics in basic algebra.
  • Beginning Algebra Guide: A guide to solving basic algebra problems.
Intermediate Algebra
Advanced Algebra
Test Your Algebra Skills
Algebra in Real-Life Situations
About The Author

About the Author

Written by Chris Fletcher (aka the Lease Guy). Chris is a senior account executive at Crest Capital, where he manages vendor finance programs for manufacturers and dealers of equipment, vehicles, and software. He's also an active Twitterer—check out his page if you follow financial topics and current events in the world of finance.