Fun Facts About Numbers
  • A number can be divided evenly by 3 if the sum of its digits can be divided by 3.
  • The famous genius Albert Einstein was born on Pi Day (March 14, 1879).
  • The number 7 is considered a "holy number" for several reasons. For instance, it took God seven days to create the universe; the week includes seven days; there are seven phases of the moon.
  • The Hindu-Arabic numerals we use today form all numbers from a combination of 10 digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
  • Most people have approximately 100,000 hairs on their head.
  • A year includes 31,536,000 seconds.
  • Many people have triskaidekaphobia, or the fear of the number 13.
  • The probability of being born on February 29 is 1 in 1,461.
  • A normal die contains 21 spots.
  • It is not possible to create a solid object with more than 20 faces. A 20-faced solid is called an icosahedron.
Number Websites
  • The History of Numbers: An educational website that explains the history of numbers and number systems.
  • Numbers: Facts, Figures & Fiction: A book that presents interesting information about the numbers 1 to 31. There is a page of facts for each day of the month.
  • Zoo of Numbers: A page created by the Archimedes Laboratory, which is known for posing challenging mental puzzles. This page offers special information on many numbers, including NaN (not a number), i, and a brazillion.
  • Properties of 17: A website that features facts, symbolism, and history pertaining to the number 17.
  • The 47 Society: This website is produced by an international group interested in the number 47, which has been described as the random number that shows up most often when numbers appear randomly. It is sometimes called the quintessential random number.
  • Prime Number Checker: A calculator where users can input any number to discover whether or not it is prime.
  • Roman Numeral and Date Conversion: A calculator which will take any date and display it in the Gregorian calendar, the Julian calendar, either calendar in Latin, and the Julian calendar in Roman style.
  • Numbers From 1 to 10 in Over 5,000 Languages: This website presents the numbers from 1 to 10 in more than 5,000 languages from all over the world.
  • World Clock: A page run by mathematician and physicist Peter Russell that provides continuously updated statistics, such as world population, military expenditure, and total users of the Internet.
  • The MegaPenny Project: A site that presents unique information about pennies. It includes a visualization of a billion pennies.
  • Googolplex: This site shows a Googolplexian, which is the largest number with a name. It is the number 1 followed by a googolplex of zeros.
  • A website that features a multitude of free math games. These games challenge the user to find clues and eventually discover the combination to open a lock.
  • Binary Numeral System: An article hosted by Academic Kids that provides a wealth of information on the binary numeral system. The article explains its history, its representation, and how to do arithmetic using the binary system.
  • Ancient Egyptian Mathematics Problems: A website that features Egyptian numerals and mathematics problems for students ages 12 to 16.
  • Vampire Numbers: A website that features vampire numbers, or numbers that can be written as the product of two numbers (called vampire fangs) that contain the same numerals the same number of times as the vampire number. An example would be 1827 = 21 x 87.

About the Author

Adrian Ludwig is a senior account executive at Crest Capital, where he captures incremental online sales typically lost by standard vendor finance programs. Adrian works in nearly every industry vertical, providing leases and loans for equipment, vehicles, and software. Check out his most popular piece: The Difference Between Good Debt and Bad Debt.